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File Yealink W52P User Guide
Yealink W52P User Guide
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File Non-Disclaimer Document
Before you can attend an training seminar via hangouts or in class, download the non-disclaimer document, sign all the pages, scan and send it via email to training@instantbilling.co.za or upload the document via a support ticket in your dashboard. Approved non-disclaimer document between Instant Web and its clients, vendors, contractors or any party where information is disclosed to
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File MyGateCC Recurring Billing
MyGate Credit Card Recurring Billing
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File Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions of Instant Web (Pty) Ltd and Living Technologies (Pty) ltd Updated 01-04-2019
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File MyGate-Enterprise-and-MyGateVirtual
Please take notice: It is law that you must use the appropriate SSL certificates on your website when using the MyGate Enterprise Module. There are two modules included with this package: MyGate Virtual and MyGate Enterprise. The enterprise module will process payments in your own site environment. This avoid cart abandonment. MyGate virtual works like paypal or payfast. Turn browsers into buyers with a super secure and easy to use online payment environment on your Website. Offer the option of convenient, regularly scheduled direct debits for subscription services or monthly billing. Turn your PC into a PoS. Accept and manually process “Card not Present” payments. 3D Secure is the most widely used fraud prevention technology in online payments. Also known as MasterCard Secure Code and Verified by Visa, 3D Secure requires that the card holder enter a secure PIN online before the payment is processed to the bank. 3D Secure can reduce chargebacks as the card holder can be authenticated that they are the person holding the card. Subscribe to MyGate’s Tokenisation System and take the risk out of storing payment details. MyGate’s Tokenisation system replaces cardholder details with a dynamically generated token, which can be re-used for subsequent purchases. This is ideal for merchants who want to submit debits against credit cards. MyGate’s Bank Account Validation Service verifies that a bank account and branch code are valid thus reducing debit costs, as no invalid account returns take place after debit order submission. MyGate’s Bank Account Verification Service verifies the identity of an account holder against the account number supplied. This aids to ensure account holder information is correct before debit submission.
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